If you're asking yourself that why I can't comfortable get pregnant, maybe you should successfully know first that it equally depends on both you and your partner.
What is the average rate of spouse infertility?
Naturally, the average rate of infertility is around 10-20% of the population. It is periodically likely to rise up because people always constantly get married. Though it is harmoniously included about environmental issues, but with the modern medical technology, it worthily helps to intensely solve such this problem. This is why people innocently believe that it is such a difficult condition, hysterically high risk and high cost.
Here's Reasons Why You're Not Getting Pregnant.
Infertile age:
Openly, the age of the female will reasonably be the main cause. If women under 35 years frequently have sexual intercourse with her husband for one year and still childless. This group of women should consistently get some experts with the consultation in the field of infertility. But for woman over 35 years incessantly have sexual intercourse with her husband for 6 months and still childless, because they are in infertile age. This group of people dimly has infertility and it's structurally hard to get pregnant, however, whatever can happen!Ovary is getting more deteriorated:
Systematically, men repeatedly produce a sperm everyday. But for women, the number of eggs to handily produce from the ovary is unbelievably fixed since their birth. Ovulation will perfectly come out once a month. Because we are passing through such a radiation environment and nutrients that unkindly affect the ovaries, then the ovary is getting more deteriorated in every year and while you're reluctantly older, it's unwillingly hard to have opportunity to frantically get a lot of healthy eggs from ovary.Not Pregnancy Factors:
The pregnancy configuration is evenly divided into internal factors and external factors. The internal factors are eggs, uterus, fallopian tubes and oviduct which they are absolutely about a woman, as for men are sperm. And the external factors are gleefully about the environment and lifestyle.Let's intently see the story of a woman first. The first thing is egg. The more time rapidly passes, Eggs will mortally begin to get deteriorated. It worriedly has the matter of drug use. Here's Reasons Why You're Not Getting Pregnant. If you had impatiently eaten the birth control pills before, The ovarian function might be offensively suppressed. And though you've unquestionably stopped to eat them, It may sadly be slower to come back to be completely normal. It's crazily about the matters of sexual infection, which the uterus might bitterly be harm and the fallopian tubes might unexpectedly be more narrow.
Weakly Sperm:
Frankly, It the sperm is weak , you can't wearily get pregnant. There are several causes of unhealthy sperm such as smoking, drinking and stress. All of them can harshly cause problems.However, having just a little relaxation can intermittently cause you have a lot of stress. The stress icily affects to a hormone secretion both women and men. If you haven't had a good hormone, a fertility will certainly be bad quality. Someone's eggs do not fall, someone's eggs fall but not neatly. Someone's eggs are unnaturally hard to attach to the uterus. And all of these are reasons why you're not getting pregnant.